Meeting PR24 targets through network digitisation

“Focus on the long term” is repeated often by Ofwat in their PR24 methodology and one long-running target is a 50% reduction in leakage by 2050, compared with the 2017-18 baseline. 03-05-2023

Shorter term, Ofwat challenged the sector to reduce leakage by at least 16% in the five year period up to 2025. According to the regulator, “despite initial reservations that these would be hard to achieve, most water companies are now hitting their targets.”

However, there is a still a long way to go over the next 27 years, as currently around a fifth of water running through pipes is lost to leakage. That amounts to 51 litres per person per day in England and Wales, rising above 80 litres in Scotland and Northern Ireland (more information about leakage in the water industry can be found on the Ofwat website here).

Each water company has been tasked with producing Water Resource Management Plans (WRMPs) to set out how they aim to meet their reduction target (among other targets). They have been challenged to “develop more creative and innovative ideas and ensure they deliver best possible value for customers.”

A Solution to Reduce Water Network Leakage

One solution often mentioned in relation to PR24, AMP8, and WRMP targets is further digitisation of the water network. With more data, companies can more quickly and easily identify problems, increasing the efficiency of maintenance and repair – and ultimately saving money for water companies and their customers. 

AVK Smart Water is an intelligent solution to monitor and control water networks – giving companies a cost-effective way to help meet their short and long term leakage objectives and well as helping to support them in their UN Sustainability obligations numbers 6, 9 and 11. Consisting of battery-operated wireless sensors and a software platform, AVK Smart Water enables companies to remotely diagnose problems, prioritise and manage maintenance issues, and optimise their network efficiency.

AVK Smart Water sensors include:

  • VIDI Positioner for valves and hydrants
  • VIDI Open/Close
  • VIDI Flow, VIDI Pressure and VIDI Temperature
  • VIDI Level

Smart Water Sensors Provide Immediate Network Data 

Rob Edwards, AVK UK’s Smart Water Specialist, said: “When AVK Smart Water sensors are installed, they provide data directly from assets in the water distribution network, including meters, valves, fittings, and hydrants, and send it back to the dedicated software platform. Through an API, the sensors can also send data into your preferred IT system. This makes it easier to compare data and compile a complete overview of the distribution network.

“Through this digital monitoring, companies can get a clearer overview of their network conditions without sending an engineer out to conduct an in-person assessment. When a fault is identified through the system, your team knows exactly where the problem is, improving workflow efficiency. These improvements allow leaks to be prioritised and addressed quicker, helping to meet reduction targets. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

For any enquiries regarding AVK Smart Water please contact Rob on the details above. Simply click the email  icon to write directly to Rob.

Smart Water Sensors

Data Directly from the Network

Sensors have been developed for AVK gate valves, fittings, and hydrants. When installed, the sensors will provide data directly from applications in the water distribution network and send the data to the dedicated software platform. Be inspired.

Case Study

VIDI Positioners turn Standard Valves into Smart Valves.

How VIDI is Helping to Address Network Challenges.