PR24. Smart Air Valves and Real-time Data

Digitising the water network to meet sustainability goals. Focusing on innovation and further digitisation of the water network under PR24 and AMP8. 30-05-2023

In our previous article on PR24 we focused on leakage targets set by Ofwat – both short and long term – and how network digitisation can help water companies meet their obligations. One of the other key ambitions for the review is for water companies to “deliver greater environmental and social value”, which we will take a closer look at here.

Eliminating Serious Pollution. Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In Ofwat’s PR24 methodology, a broader range of environmental commitments is introduced, including eliminating serious pollution incidents and delivering reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, among others. Water companies will be incentivised to meet these commitments, with a focus on innovative solutions to provide long-term improvements.

Ofwat is not the only organisation holding water companies to account on their sustainability obligations, of course. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 6, 9, and 11 focus on clean water and sanitation, building resilient infrastructure in part through the fostering of innovation, and ensuring cities are resilient and sustainable.

Innovation to Reduce Water Loss and Save Money

This focus on “innovation” is often mentioned in relation to further digitisation of the water network under PR24 and AMP8. To repeat a line used in our PR24 previous article: “With more data, companies can more quickly and easily identify problems, increasing the efficiency of maintenance and repair – ultimately reducing water loss and saving money.”

Through the deployment of Smart Water technology, such as AVK UK’s intelligent VIDI sensors, water companies can get real-time data from their network, including levels, flow rates, pressure, temperature, and valve status. Another option for wastewater is our smart air valves which provide data on status of air valve performance. Once deployed, these sensors will alert engineers when potential issues arise, when the network exceeds the pre-set parameters on pressure, for example. 

What that means in terms of sustainability improvements:

  • Less pollution incidents due to burst pipes / broken assets.
  • Targeted maintenance minimises unnecessary work, reducing carbon footprint.
  • Better knowledge of asset performance, ensuring optimal working conditions, therefore reducing energy consumption.

One real world example: an AVK Smart Air Valve alerted water company engineers to a sewage leak alongside the only river in England with clean bathing water status. The smart air valve had been in place for less than two weeks. The prevention of pollution incidents is a clear environmental and customer benefit. See the Ilkley Smart Air Valve Case Study here or on the link below.

In another, AVK smart valves allowed a water company to build a picture of where the problem hotspots were located on their network, allowing maintenance to be targeted and avoiding unnecessary visits and work on valves that are performing effectively. Read the Wessex Water Smart Air Valve Case Study here or on the link below.

Consisting of battery-operated wireless sensors and a software platform, AVK Smart Water enables companies to remotely diagnose problems, prioritise and manage maintenance issues, and optimise their network efficiency.

AVK Smart Water sensors include:

  • VIDI Positioner for valves and hydrants
  • VIDI Open/Close
  • VIDI Flow, VIDI Pressure and VIDI Temperature
  • VIDI Level
  • ARIsense Smart air valves

Images above are taken from the Ilkley Smart Water Air Valves Case Study

Smart Water Air Valves - a Wealth of Data

Rob Edwards, AVK UK’s Smart Water Specialist, said:

“Air valves are, typically, the most neglected asset on water company networks. Water companies may not even be aware of the location of their air valves. This neglect is an expensive oversight. 
“When air valves aren’t functioning correctly, air may be drawn into the network or unable to escape, leading to vacuums and air locks. Pumps must work harder to move clean water or sewage in rising mains; working harder leads to wear and tear and increased energy consumption. 
“More pressure in the pipe, means more bursts and greater leakage. If the water industry is serious about its 2030 and 2050 sustainability targets, and its leakage reduction targets, something needs to change.
“AVK smart air valves provide a wealth of network and asset data. Communicating this data via an online platform with an open API ensures it can be exported into water companies’ network management programmes. The smart network is no longer a pipe dream.”

For any enquiries regarding AVK Smart Water please contact Rob on the details above. Simply click the email icon to write directly to Rob.

Case Study

Smart Air Valve Prevents Pollution

AVK ARIsense smart water air valve alerts Yorkshire Water operations team to avert potential sewage leak

Case Study

Predictive Smart Water Air Valve detects issues before they occur.

Wessex Water trials AVK UK Smart Air Valve Technology.