It is well known that air valves are a very important asset for our clean and waste water networks.
Correct air valve use provides protection from transient pressures and entrapped air in pipelines - the main causes for the bursting, collapsing, and fracturing of pipelines. These negative effects on the pipeline assets can be directly associated with reduced pipeline efficiency, premature failure and reduced whole life costs.
However, sometimes the value of these valves in the system is underestimated resulting in neglect or being closed off and not allowed to do their job to protect the network and offer the efficiency gains they were planned for.
For this twofold issue AVK UK offer a free, twofold solution:-
Technical Training and Pipeline Efficiency Study
Along with free technical training, AVK UK are offering customers a unique opportunity to collaborate in a free efficiency study with our long-term air valve partners A.R.I. to demonstrate the new A.R.I efficiency programme, ARIavCAD, on a selected section of pipeline to evaluate and calculate savings to make and implement recommendations to fully optimise your network.
What we need from you…
• Collaboration to conduct a study.
• Pipeline data for before and after for comparison
• Feedback on the products
• Permission to publish none sensitive data about your efficiency study.
What we can offer in return…
• Free technical training seminars anywhere in the UK and Ireland
• Local support
• Technical documents
• A more efficient pipeline
A.R.I. has developed a software tool based on research showing the effects of air accumulation in pipelines. This research has proven that high pump energy consumption is directly related to the presence of air in the pipeline. ARIavCAD is user-friendly software program designed for optimizing air valve sizing and location along the pipeline. It provides an overview of your infrastructure and analyzes and details the best solution for energy efficiency.
Given the global economic climate and the boost in energy costs – reducing your energy consumption translates into significant monetary savings. Air pockets have a significant impact on the extent of your energy consumption. Innovative air valves, recommended by ARIavCAD and supplied by AVK, will prevent the accumulation of air pockets in liquid transmission systems, thus reducing energy consumption in your pressurized systems.
- Technical training sessions range from the smaller ‘lunch and learns’ to larger seminars accommodating any number of delegates, at any location in the UK or Ireland. AVK factories are a popular choice.
- Sessions are ‘made to measure’ to accommodate the cross sections of experience - from new employees through to refresher courses for advanced engineers.
- Training for both clean and waste water products include an introduction to air valves, air management and maintenance through to comprehensive surge/water hammer training.
- Vast selection of display model valves where customers can gain hands on experience, as well as workshops for *ARIavCAD where customers can learn where to install air valves and select the correct valve type.
If you would like more details please contact us on the details above.